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Einfache Suche im Bestand unserer Bibliothek

Titel- und Urheberangaben Protection and cultural animation of monuments, sites and historic towns in Europe : the present situation in Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia
edited by Hans-Dieter Dryoff
German Commission for UNESCO
ISBN 3-922343-07-4
Physische Beschreibung 394 Seiten
Gesamttitelangabe Architecture and protection of monuments and sites of historical interest
vol. 12
Allgemeine Anmerkung This volume was prepared as a joint study on cultural policies in Europe, Project No. 12, by twelve European Region members of UNESCO
Mitwirkende Person Dryoff, Hans-Dieter Herausgeber
Signatur Exemplar U12b ; o.A5/023

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