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Einfache Suche im Bestand unserer Bibliothek


Anzahl Resultate: 8

Titel- und UrheberangabenL'art de peinture
de C.A. Du Fresnoy, traduit en françois. Enrichy de remarques, reveu, corrigé, & augmenté
L'art de peinture
de C.A. Du Fresnoy, traduit en françois. Enrichy de remarques, reveu, corrigé, & augmenté
A Paris
chez Nicolas Langlois, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.b.XX3/64 Sammelband

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe art of painting
y R.G. Esq;

by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks: Translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: By Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq;
As also A short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks: Translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: By Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq;
As also A short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modernThe art of painting
y R.G. Esq;

by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks: Translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: By Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq;
As also A short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks: Translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: By Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq;
As also A short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
printed for Bernard Lintott, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12d ; lib.d.M4/06

Titel- und UrheberangabenThe art of painting
y R.G. Esq.

by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks ; translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: by Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq.
As also a short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks ; translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: by Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq.
As also a short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modernThe art of painting
y R.G. Esq.

by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks ; translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: by Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq.
As also a short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
by C.A. Du Fresnoy ; with remarks ; translated into English, with an original preface, containing a parallel between painting and poetry: by Mr. Dryden
by R.G. Esq.
As also a short account of the most eminent painters, both ancient and modern
printed for B. L. and sold by William Taylor ...
Signatur Exemplar C18uf ; cave.N3/26

Titel- und UrheberangabenL'arte della pittura
di Carlo Alfonso du Fresnoy ; aggiuntavi alcune necessarie, & amplissime osservazioni, opera utilissima non meno a' pittori, e scultori, che a chiunque desidera di conoscere la perfezione, & i difetti delle pitture, e statue de' più celebri, autori così antiche, come moderne
L'arte della pittura
di Carlo Alfonso du Fresnoy ; aggiuntavi alcune necessarie, & amplissime osservazioni, opera utilissima non meno a' pittori, e scultori, che a chiunque desidera di conoscere la perfezione, & i difetti delle pitture, e statue de' più celebri, autori così antiche, come moderne
In Roma
appresso Gregorio Roisecco mercante libraro i Piazza Navona
Signatur Exemplar A09f

Titel- und UrheberangabenL'art de peinture
de C.A. Du Fresnoy, traduit en françois. Enrichi de Remarques, revû, corrigé, & augmenté par Monsieur de Piles
L'art de peinture
de C.A. Du Fresnoy, traduit en françois. Enrichi de Remarques, revû, corrigé, & augmenté par Monsieur de Piles
A Paris
chez Charles Antoine Jombert, ...
Signatur Exemplar A12c ; lib.d.M3/12.1 In Sammelband

Titel- und UrheberangabenDiscours Prononcés A L'Académie Royale De Peinture De Londres
Par M. Josué Reynolds, Président de la dite Académie ; Suivis des Notes du même Auteur, sur le Poëme de l'Art de Peindre, de Dufresnoy ; Le Tout Traduit De L'Anglois
Discours Prononcés A L'Académie Royale De Peinture De Londres
Par M. Josué Reynolds, Président de la dite Académie ; Suivis des Notes du même Auteur, sur le Poëme de l'Art de Peindre, de Dufresnoy ; Le Tout Traduit De L'Anglois
A Paris
Chez Moutard, Imprimeur-Libraire de la Reine
Herstellungsort / Hersteller[Paris]
De l'Imprimerie de P. De Lormel
Signatur Exemplar C14ub ; lib.d.F2/14(01) Tome 1 C14ub ; lib.d.F2/14(02) Tome 2

Titel- und UrheberangabenL'arte di dipingere di C.A. Dufresnoy ad Andrea Appiani e Simone Denis L'arte di dipingere di C.A. Dufresnoy ad Andrea Appiani e Simone Denis
nella stamperia Villetard e Comp.
anno I. della L. I. [1797 oder 1798?]
Signatur Exemplar A12a ; cave.N3/04

Titel- und UrheberangabenA arte da pintura
de C.A. do Fresnoy ; traduzida do francez em portuguez, e exposta aos candidatos, e amadores desta Bella Arte, debaixo dos Auspicios, e Ordem de Sua Alteza Real o Principe Regente N. S. por Jeronymo de Barros Ferreira
A arte da pintura
de C.A. do Fresnoy ; traduzida do francez em portuguez, e exposta aos candidatos, e amadores desta Bella Arte, debaixo dos Auspicios, e Ordem de Sua Alteza Real o Principe Regente N. S. por Jeronymo de Barros Ferreira
Arco do Cego
Signatur Exemplar C17ue In Sammelband

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