Anzahl Resultate: 1 bis 20 von 35
Titel- und Urheberangaben The acts of Parliament relating to the building fifty new churches in and about the cities of London and Westminster and for making provision for the ministers thereof : as also His Majesty's letters patent, appointing commissioners for the purposes aforesaid
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed by John Baskett, printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd 1721
Signatur Exemplar B13c Titel- und Urheberangaben A treatise of architecture, with remarks and observations by that excellent master thereof Sebastian Le Clerc ... ; for young people who would apply to that noble art ; engraven in two hundred copper plates by John Sturt ; translated by Mr. Chambers
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London sold by Mr. Bateman and Mr. Taylor ... ; Will and John Innys ... ; Mr. Osbourn ... ; Mr. Senex ... ; Mr. Sam. Tooke & Mr. Ben. Motte ... booksellers ; and John Sturt engraver ... [1723-]1724
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 707 Bd. 2 von 2 Bd. Titel- und Urheberangaben Practical architecture, or, A sure guide to the true working according to the rules of that science representing the five orders, with their several doors & windows taken from Inigo Jones & other celebrate architects : to each plate tables containing the exact proportions of the several parts are likewise fitted : very usefull to all true lovers of architecture, but particularly so to those who are engag'd in ye noble art of building by Will.m Halfpenny
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum [London] printed for & sold by Tho. Bowles printseller ..., by Jer. Batley bookseller ..., and by J. Bowles printseller ... [1724?]
Signatur Exemplar B13c Titel- und Urheberangaben His Majesties commission for building fifty new churches
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum [London] [s.n.] [1727]
Signatur Exemplar B13c Titel- und Urheberangaben Magnum in parvo: or, The marrow of architecture shewing how to draw a column with its base, capital, entablature, and pedestal; and also an arch of any of the five orders. And duly limit the rise and projection of every one, even the smallest member. According to the proportions laid down by the most celebrated Palladio, to ye utmost degrees of exactness and speed possible. So plain & so easy, that a young gentleman tho' an utter stranger to ye art, may apprehend the whole, by seing only one example wrought in a method entirely new by William Halfpenny
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for John Wilcox ... and Tho. Heath mathematical instrument maker 1728
Signatur Exemplar B13c Titel- und Urheberangaben The city and country purchaser’s and builder’s dictionary: or, The complete builder’s guide containing an explanation of all the terms of art used by workmen; as also what is necessary to be known in the art of building, as well by gentlemen, as artificers of every denomination. In the following useful particulars, viz. The qualities, quantities, proportions, and value of all materials used in building. The best method of preparing those materials. The methods of measuring most sorts of artificers work. The city and country prices of workmanship. Aphorisms, or rules necessary to be observed in building, as to situation, contrivance, compactness, uniformity, conveniency, firmness, form, etc. Estimates of the expence of building any fabrick, great or small. Rules for the valuation of houses. Rules to be observed in repairs, etc. The propagation and culture of such trees, as are used in building, and planted as well for ornament as profit, with the soils and management proErscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for B. Sprint, D. Browne, J. Osborn, S. Birt, H. Lintot, and A. Wilde 1736
Signatur Exemplar B13c Urheber Wood, John 1704-1754 Verfasser (DE-588)119052563 Titel- und Urheberangaben Choir Gaure, Vulgarly called Stonehenge, On Salisbury Plain, Described, Restored, And Explained; In a Letter To The Right Honourable Edward Late Earl of Oxford, and Earl Mortimer By John Wood, Architect Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum Oxford Printed at the Theatre in the Year 1747 Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 1434 Titel- und Urheberangaben A new and compleat system of architecture delineated, in a variety of plans and elevations of designs for convenient and decorated houses together with offices and out-buildings proportioned thereto, and appropriated to the several uses and situations required, as also an estimate of each by the great square : prefix'd t these are ten different sorts of piers, with gates of various compositions suitable to the same; intended for entrances to courts, gardens, &c. : as also new architectonic rules for drawing the members, in all kinds and proportions of the orders : and to them are also added a perspective view of the sinking pier of Westminster-Bridge, ... neatly engraved, and design'd by William Halfpenny, architect
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for John Brindley, bookseller to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, ... 1749
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 1451 Titel- und Urheberangaben An essay towards a description of Bath, in four parts wherein the antiquity of the city, ...; and its open areas of a superiour kind are respectively treated of : the gods, places of worship, religion and learning of the antient Britons occasionally considered : and the limits of the city in its present state; its divisions, sub-divisions, laws, governement, customs, trade and amusements severally pointed out : illustrated with the figure of king Bladud, ...; together with proper plans and elevations from two and twenty copper plates by John Wood, architect
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed by James Bettenham ; and sold by C. Hitch ... ; and J. Leake at Bath in the year 1749
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 1438.1 Vol. 1 B13c ; 1438.2 Vol. 2 Titel- und Urheberangaben A dissertation upon the orders of columns, and their appendages the whole constituting the orders of architecture : interspersed with a brief account of the various kinds of intercolumnation observed by the antients and illustrated with proper draughts from three and twenty copper plates engraved by Mr. Paul Fourdrinier ; compiled for the use of artificers in the building trades, by John Wood, architect
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed by James Bettenham ... ; and sold by J. Leake at Bath in the year 1750
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 1435 Titel- und Urheberangaben An answer to the latter part of Lord Bolingbroke's letters on the study of history by the late Lord Walpole of Woolterton ; in a series of letters to a noble Lord
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed by W. Richardon and S. Clark 1762
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; lib.d.G4/35 Titel- und Urheberangaben The builder's jewel: or, The youth's instructor, and workman's remembrancer explaining short and easy rules, made familiar to the meanest capacity, for drawing and working, ... by B. and T. Langley
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for Christopher Wren 1766
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 706 Titel- und Urheberangaben The builder's magazine: or, Monthly companion for architects, carpenters, masons, bricklayers, &c. ... consisting of designs in architecture, in every stile and taste, from the most magnificent and superb structures, down to the most simple and unadorned; together with the plans and sections, serving as an unerring assistant in the construction of any building, from a palace to a cottage : in which will be introduced grand and elegant designs for chimney-pieces, cielings, doors, windows, &c. ... together with designs for churches, hospitals, and other public buildings : also, plans, elevations, and sections, in the Greek, Roman and Gothic taste, ... : the whole forming a complete system of architecture, in all its branches; ... by a society of architects, ... ; [Autor, Zeichner: John Carter ... [et al.]]
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for the authors; and sold by F. Newbery, ...; and all other booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland 1774[-1778]
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 261 Titel- und Urheberangaben The temple builder's most usefull companion being fifty entire new original designs for pleasure and recreation; consisting of plans, elevations, and sections, in the Greek, Roman, and Gothic taste: Calculated for the ornamenting of parks, forests, woods, gardens, canals, eminences, extensive views, mounts, vistos, islands, &c. Together with a full explanation, in letter press, to teach design, and exact scales of measurement by Thomas Collins Overton
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for I. Taylor, ... 1774
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 260 Titel- und Urheberangaben Oikidia, or, Nutshells: being ichnographic distributions for small villas chiefly upon oeconomical principles, in seven classes, with occasional remarks by Jose Mac Packe, a bricklayer's labourer ; part the first, containing twelve designs
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for the author, and sold by C. Dilly, ... 1785
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 1404 Titel- und Urheberangaben Resolutions of the Associated Architects with the report of a committee by them appointed to consider the causes of the frequent fires, and the best means of preventing the like in future [ed.: Associated Architects]
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum [London] [s.n.] [1793]
Signatur Exemplar B13c In Kassette Titel- und Urheberangaben Rudiments of ancient architecture, containing an historical account of the five orders, with their proportions, and examples of each from antiques also extracts from Vitruvius, Pliny, &c. relative to the buildings of the ancients : calculated for the use of those who wish to attain a summary knowledge of the science of achitecture : with a dictionary of terms
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, Holborn 1794
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 1407 Titel- und Urheberangaben Rudiments of ancient architecture containing an historical account of the five orders, with their proportions, and examples of each from antiques; also extracts from Vitruvius, Pliny, &c. relative to the buildings of the ancients. Calculated for the use of those who wish to attain a summary knowledge of the science of achitecture. With a dictionary of terms. Illustrated with eleven plates
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library, Holborn 1794
Signatur Exemplar B13c Titel- und Urheberangaben Observations on English architecture, military, ecclesiastical, and civil, compared with similar buildings on the continent including a criitcal itinerary of Oxford and Cambridge : also historical notices of stained glass, ornamental gardening, &c. : with chronological tables and dimensions of cathedral and conventual churches by the Rev. James Dallaway
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London printed for J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library 1806
Signatur Exemplar B13c Titel- und Urheberangaben The bricklayer's guide to the mensuration of all sorts of brick-work, according to the London practice with oberservations on the causes and cure of smoaky chimnies, the formation of drains, and the best construction of ovens, to be heated with coals : also, a variety of practical and useful information on this important branch of the building art by T.D.W. Dearn
Erscheinungsort Verlag/Drucker Erscheinungsdatum London J. Taylor 1809
Signatur Exemplar B13c ; 1146
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